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My favourite learning resources for web developers

A  A handpicked list of resources I found useful. They are in no particular order.


  • Wes Bos’ courses In general high quality video courses on various topics (many of them focusing on JS).
  • LevelUp Tutorials Scott Tolinski’s project, he has a great delivery in his video courses. His business model is slightly different from Wes’. You pay a monthly fee and get access to all his courses. Scott is prolific author whilst maintaining a good quality.
  • Frontend Masters Delivers what it says on the box – videos. I especially appretiated the courses made by Kyle Simpson.
  • Sitepoint Premium A multitude of various video courses and books. I bought a lifetime membership when it still was called Learnable and it was one of the best investments into my self-education I made.
  • Codecademy One of the first interactive course platforms I stumbled upon around 2012(?). They’re still great, even better.
  • Learn Git Branching An interactive course that will let you try all the git commands without the fear for breaking anything. It has a nice visual representation. I learned to navigate the commit tree thanks to this course.
  • Webpack Learning Academy After these free video courses, Webpack started to make some sense.
  • Free Code Camp Interactive course platform and community. I really like this for its noble values – providing programming courses – and the quality is also pretty good.
  • Crypto Zombies This is kind of funny, but I guess a good intro into blockchain programming.


  • Clean Code, Robert C. Martin Series This book showed me how to write code which is easier to understand. Since we started applying the principles outlined in this book on our team, the understanding of code in between developers became a breeze. Uses Java syntax for examples.
  • You Don’t Know JS, Kyle Simpson I came across this series when I already had pretty solid knowledge of Javascript. Or at least so I thought! These books go into the inner workings of the JS engine and explain how it actually works. The first version was so good that I happilly supported Kyle in his effort to write and publish the second edition.
  • CSS: The Definitive Guide, Eric A. Meyer This book was hard to read as it’s essentially a reference guide with explanations. BUT it was this book that gave me the understanding of how the CSS box model works.
  • The Coding Career Handbook, Shawn @swyx Wang Another great book. Swyx collected his tips based in a wide spectrum of knowledge from the IT industry.
  • Pure React, David Cedia David taught me to think React. This deffo helped me to understand how React works. I recommended this book to all my collegues and it really shows who read it and who did not.
  • ECMAScript 2015: A SitePoint Anthology A collection of articles about Javascript ES6.
  • Jump Start Git, Shaumik Daityari A consise description of what Git is and how to use it.
  • Professional Git Quoting the classic: “We gotta go deeper!” This is an indepth look into using Git.

Talks, presentations and podcasts

    • Git for a four year old The inner workings of git. This is a must-watch!
    • Ladybug Podcast Emma Bostian, Sidney Buckner, Kelly Vaughn and Ali Spittel – four women in tech sharing their experiences. These seasoned web developers discuss hot technologies, advices for beginners and much more.
    • Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski team up to create this gem of a podcast. They present the newest trends, their personal expertise based on years of teaching web development and invite interesting guests to discuss their products and fields of expertise.
    • Gutenberg Times The official WordPress podcast dedicated to spreading the Word of our Lord Gutenberg 🤣 I get to know about the latest addition to the Gutenberg plugin as well as what got integrated into the WP core and what direction is the developement going.
    • The Swyx Mixtape Swyx’s short interviews with interesting developers.

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