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DevsBrianTeam completed over 415 web projects of 278 clients at various marketplaces.Leading Wordpress website & Customization, Any custom website, Ecommerce solution, Shopify Store, Woocommerce website, Landing page, Email template design, Mailchimp automation, Sign-up/Pop-up/Gravity Form Specialist Freelance TEAM.

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How long should I run my Facebook advertising campaign?

This is a very common question we receive every day. And the best answer for this is as long as your ads are performing efficiently and yielding results, you should keep them running. You only change tactics when your ads performance gets worse over time.

I am already running Google Ads campaign; can I use the same strategy for Facebook Ads?

Absolutely no! When you think that Facebook Advertising is simply like running ads on Google, then you’ve just set yourself up for failure. The two platforms are completely different, and it all comes down to the “purchase intent”. Users searching Google for products and services usually have a very high “purchase intent”. While people browsing […]

What Facebook ad format should I choose?

Facebook offers six different types of ad formats for you to choose from including, image, video, slideshow, carousel, collection and instant experience. Choosing the right ad format is as important as the ad content itself. Making the right choice will all depend on your campaign objectives and your audience.

What Daily Budget do you recommend?

Even you have a decent budget, spend it wisely. I will guide you on how to make full use of the budget and to achieve the best possible results. Do Not expect immediate results with less than $50/day Ads Budget

What can’t I sell or advertise on Facebook?

Keep in mind its against Facebook’s TOS to advertise cryptocurrencies, prescription/illegal drugs, firearms, ammunition, tobacco products & e-cigs, animals, adult services/products, gambling products, loans, MLM products/services, prohibited supplements & deceptive goods/services

Do you Guarantee Sales and Leads for all?

No, Actually sales depends on your product quality/Service and store design also product price. My goal is to drive targeted audience to your store.With the right strategy and targeted audiences you will see results but it comes down to multiple marketing factors such as landing page, website, services/products & other marketing variables.

Do you create banner for the ads?

Yes, this service free for you. If your photos are not up to standard for ads, We can create some banner that will work well as an ads.

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